Cheat for Squad
When buying a cheat, you should understand that the use of this software is at your own peril and risk, the possibility of a ban or detection of a cheat for such a game sometimes happens
System requirements:
- Included spoofer:
- Yes
- Anticheat:
- Game anticheat
- Supported game modes:
- Windowed, Borderless, Fullscreen
- Supported CPU:
- Only INTEL (AMD not supported)
- Supported OC:
- Windows 10, 11
- Supported Disk format:
- Support only GPT DISK (MBR doesnt work)
- Need flash drive for loader?
- Yes
- Player:::
- player
- distance
- only enemy
- name
- weapon
- skelet
- box
- health
- visible
- direction
- text frame
- Grenade:::
- grenade
- bound box
- text frame
- Deployable:::
- deployable
- distance
- only enemy
- only fob
- bound box
- health
- text frame
- Vehicle:::
- vehicle
- distance
- only enemy
- occupied
- text frame
- visible mask
- Crosshair
- crosshair type
- debug camera
- unlimited ammo
- Colors:::
- Colors for all ESP
- Aimbot enabled
- auto aimbot
- aimbot fov
- only visible
- lock target
- fov value
- hit chance
- bind for aimbot
- bone
- aimbot type (silent, magic bullet, vehicle magic bullet)

The functionality of the program may be changed at any time at the discretion of the developer, and we are not responsible for this. We do not guarantee the performance of the cheats on cut/repack/corporate versions of windows