Cheat for Escape From Tarkov
When buying a cheat, you should understand that the use of this software is at your own peril and risk, the possibility of a ban or detection of a cheat for such a game sometimes happens
System requirements:
- Included spoofer:
- No
- Anticheat:
- Supported game modes:
- Windowed, Borderless, Fullscreen
- Supported CPU:
- Intel & AMD (Xeon doesnt work)
- Supported OC:
- Windows 10 (2004, 20H2, 21H1, 21H2, 22H2) , Windows 11 (22H2)
- 3D box
- Corner box
- Visible
- Name
- Distance
- Weapon
- Ammo
- Skeleton
- Level
- Prices
- K/D ratio
- Health bar
- Chams
- Max distance
- Name K/D Price - parsing with online raid and sort for Price hight
- Type #1 Categories&Prices (fully customizate with colorpicker and prices)
- [Containers/Corpses/Items]
- Price for Containers Corpses Items
- Distance for Containers Corpses Items
- Keys
- Barter
- Containers
- Provisions
- Gear
- Meds
- Sights
- Suppressors
- WeaponAmmo
- Magazines
- Tactical devices
- Weapon parts
- Special equipment
- Maps
- Type #2 Custom loot filt with search field
- Type #3 Price & Custom (include type 1 + type 2)
- Enable
- Vector aimbot
- Silent aimbot
- Switch target
- Fov
- Smooth
- Visible check
- Drav fov
- Drav crosshair
- Dram ammo count
- Save/Load config
- No recoil
- No sway
- Instant ADS
- Fast mag load/unload
- Loot throught walls
- Infinity stamina
- Infinity oxygen
- Disable visor
- Hight jump
- Instant search
- Instant examine
- Multi search
- Thermal vision
- Speed hack
- Exfiltrations
- Grenades [HE/Smoke]
- Day time changer hours [0-24]
- Battle mod
- Aimbot
- Speed hack
- Thermal vision
- Menu
- Panic
- Unload
- Battle mod

The functionality of the program may be changed at any time at the discretion of the developer, and we are not responsible for this. We do not guarantee the performance of the cheats on cut/repack/corporate versions of windows